
National Reconciliation Week 2024: Celebrating Success and Unity

National Reconciliation Week 2024 has been a remarkable learning journey, reflection, and unity journey. This year’s theme, “Now More Than Ever,” resonated deeply with communities across Boorloo (Perth) and regional areas, fostering meaningful conversations and actions towards a more inclusive society. Reconciliation WA created an accessible program for all West Australians, with in-person and online options, allowing attendees to learn about shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and explore their roles in achieving reconciliation in Australia.

The Week in Review

National Reconciliation Week, observed annually from May 27 to June 3, attracted over 21,723 attendees across Boorloo, the regions, and online. On May 27, the flagship Breakfast event at Optus Stadium had a sell-out crowd of nearly 1200 people. For the first time, Reconciliation WA partnered with Traditional Owners, local governments, and industry groups to host regional breakfasts, reaching maximum capacity at most locations. These events featured local welcomes, regional voices, truth-telling, and live-stream access to the flagship Breakfast. Regional breakfasts were held on Jaburrara Country (Karratha), Wongatha Country (Kalgoorlie), Menang Country (Albany), and Palyku Country (Newman).

Supported by various sponsors, the flagship Breakfast in Boorloo featured MCs Toby Millar and Meri Fatin, key speakers including Reconciliation WA Co-Chairs Nolan Hunter and Debra Zanella, Dr Richard Walley OAM, and reconciliation allies The Hon Robert French AC and Dr Betsy Buchanan OAM. A moving performance by WA Opera concluded the event.

The Reconciliation Yarns, held on May 28 and 30, were popular and impactful. They included morning in-person events and afternoon online sessions. Co-facilitated by an Aboriginal Leader and a reconciliation ally, the Yarns provided a safe space for discussions about reconciliation and the 2024 NRW theme.

For the third year, Reconciliation WA produced the memoirs of a long-standing champion in the reconciliation movement. This year, Carol Innes AM shared her Reconciliation Memoirs, which were written in collaboration with Victoria Laurie. Carol’s memoirs document her significant contributions to recognising, preserving, and advancing Aboriginal culture, rights, and economic opportunities in Western Australia. Watch the online stream of the night here.

The Walk for Reconciliation, concluding National Reconciliation Week, saw over 7000 Aboriginal Elders, Leaders, and reconciliation allies walk together in Boorloo. The event included a Welcome to Country, cultural performances, and a solidarity walk alongside the river from Langley Park to Supreme Court Gardens. Similar walks were held on Marapikurrinya Country (Port Hedland) and Goomburrup Country (Bunbury).

Watch the Boorloo Walk Overview here!

Art and Expression

Art played a significant role in this year’s celebrations. The Reconciliation Week Street Banner Program, initiated by Bringing Them Home WA and the Department of Aboriginal Affairs in 2011, increased awareness of NRW throughout Western Australia. Renita Brown Nungurrayi’s artwork, “Mina Mina,” was showcased on 360 street banners and 40 digital banners across WA, supported by 138 sponsors.

Reconciliation WA extends its deepest gratitude to everyone who participated in National Reconciliation Week 2024. Your enthusiasm, support, and willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue have made this week a resounding success.

A heartfelt thank you to all our partners and sponsors for your unwavering support during National Reconciliation Week 2024. Your commitment and contributions have been instrumental in making the week a powerful time of reflection, education, and reconciliACTION.

Together, we have amplified regional voices, fostered deeper understanding, and taken meaningful steps towards a more inclusive and reconciled Australia. Your dedication to promoting awareness and driving positive change is truly inspiring.

A big thank you also to all of our volunteers, staff, and board who made the week possible. 119 corporate and individual volunteers assisted in bringing our NRW events to life.

Thank you for standing with us on this important journey. Let’s continue to work together to build a future where respect, justice, and reconciliation prevail.

Looking Forward

As National Reconciliation Week 2024 concludes, it’s important to remember that reconciliation is an ongoing journey. The conversations and actions taken during this week should serve as a catalyst for continued efforts towards understanding, respect, and unity.

Reconciliation WA is committed to supporting this journey every step of the way. Together, we can build a future where all Australians walk together with a shared purpose and vision.

Again, Thank you for making National Reconciliation Week 2024 a memorable and impactful celebration. Now More Than Ever, reconciliation matters.

In Unity and Gratitude, Reconciliation WA
