
Local Government Reconciliation Resource


Kolbang Yanginy - Going Forward | Sharing

Find out more about our online platform that supports local governments to drive reconciliation in their communities.

The resource will help to guide local governments in building their capability to engage meaningfully with local Aboriginal communities, highlighting best practice examples of reconciliation and Aboriginal engagement.

Reconciliation WA, WALGA, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries have all partnered to deliver a resource that brings together each agencies key documentation, advice, approvals, and processes on one accessible site.

The collaboration reflects the WA State Government’s commitment to advancing the reconciliation movement, with Reconciliation WA’s leadership as the movement’s State peak body.

The resource will launch in October 2024.


Get Involved

If you're a Local Government or an Aboriginal organisation we'd love to hear from you

If you have examples or case studies that demonstrate best-practice partnerships, connections, or collaborations that you think would be beneficial to share with other organisations, please share them with us.

We can all benefit from you sharing best practice examples of reconciliation in action, outlining Local Government obligations and responsibilities, and providing any local information that Local Governments need to support reconciliation initiatives.


Key themes we'll explore

Place Making

  • Cultural Protocols – Acknowledgements and advice on state-wide cultural knowledge, connections and protocols.
  • Place-based Approaches for Community Engagement & Consultation – This section will discuss the importance of relationships with First Nations Peoples and how to build these relationships.
  • Community & Economic Development– This will advise how Local Government can support Aboriginal economic participation and community development.

Agreement Making

  • Traditional Owner Recognition – This section explains the significance of recognising Traditional Owners, defines key corporations and committees under the SWNTS, describes their structure and functions, details the role of the Trustee, and emphasises the importance of fostering relationships with these bodies.
  • Native Title Settlements – This section explains the Settlement, its key elements, and its relevance to Local Government.
  • Closing the Gap – This section defines the CTG agenda and goals, outlines relevant SETs and PRAs and their measurement rationale, and explains responsibilities under the ALGA Implementation Plan.


  • Aboriginal Representation at LG level – This will provide information on support and mentoring opportunities for Aboriginal community members aspiring to be, or who are currently, councillors and will share stories of current Aboriginal councillors, their aspirations, and achievements.
  • Aboriginal Procurement & EmploymentDescribes how Local Government can promote Aboriginal employment, retention, and career advancement, how to build a culturally safe workplace, and how to create relationships with and support/procure from Aboriginal businesses.
  • Cultural Training & HR Policies and Processes – This section will provide the tools to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures, plus case studies on best practices for inductions, policies, and processes to support a culturally safe workplace.

Planning, Approvals & Legislation

  • ​Heritage & Planning – This section highlights heritage’s importance in cultural, land, and other contexts. It explores local governments’ crucial role, offers exemplary practices, and illustrates standard heritage partnership arrangements using SWNTS.
  • Land Management – This section highlights the importance of local governments engaging with the Aboriginal community on land management, covering general principles and specific considerations for SWNTS. It includes legal, policy, and contractual obligations, as well as best practices in engagement, partnerships, and joint ventures for effective land management.
  • Legislation & Policy – This section will link all relevant strategies, policies, and legislation regarding Aboriginal engagement.


  • ​RAPs & Reconciliation Strategies – This section defines strategic commitment and its importance, provides implementation strategies and steps, and successful examples and case studies for each area.
  • Truth-telling, Dual Naming & Co-Naming – This section provides a broad overview of First Nations history with Local Government, details how LGs can promote the Aboriginal history and ongoing culture and discusses language preservation, dual naming, and renaming opportunities.
  • Arts & Education – Discusses engagement with local artists for murals and local artwork, embedding First Nations education in the schooling system, and Focuses on integrating cultural studies into early years education and childcare.

Spread the message

You can assist us by sharing this resource with other local governments or organisations interested in participating.

Your support and engagement are essential to us, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Please check back for updates on this new resource and watch our socials for launch information.


Local Government Reconciliation Resource Partners